Friday, November 12, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things!

I have a lot of favorite things.  Some are guilty pleasures, some are found in nature, others involve family and friends.  There are too many areas to really list.  Here are pics of the three that are mentioned.

First, my two favorite guys in the world., Jeff and Elijah.  One is my friend and one is my buddy.  We have so much fun together.  Jeff and I have been married for 21 years.  Even though we didn't grow up together we did.  We didn't know each other as kids but we weren't much more than that when we got married.  We both had a lot of growing to do.  We have been blessed enough to grow together through some tough times, raise two kids, travel to see things that 21 years ago we would never had dreamed of seeing.  Getting married at 18 and 20 is not ideal, but I really would change it.   My buddy, Elijah, is our later in marriage surprise.  He keeps things lively around here.  While he is a rough and tumble boy, he also has quite the soft spot for animals.  He loves his cat, KC.  We had been married for 13 years when he came along.  While many of our friends were starting families around age 30, we already had one and she was 10.  We are in two different groups of parents.  If they have children Tabitha's age, they are generally 5-15 years older than we are and if they have kids Elijah's age the are around 5-7 years younger than us.  We have two generation gaps to fill.  For all of these differences we are blessed with two very smart, good-looking, and fun kids.  If I do say so myself.

Here they are at the Thunder-76er's game.  How did I get this picture?  I sit in a different section!

My guilty pleasure is our hot tub!  This is so great to just get in and relax.  Even though it is on our back deck, we use it way more in the winter than any other time.  It is just a great way to relax before we go to bed.  One thing I don't like about it is the way you smell after you get out.  Chemicals!  While we don't use chlorine, the other alternatives are just as smelly.  To combat this some, Jeff like to put fragrance in the water.  The only problem with that is spa fragrances are full of chemicals as well and they choke me up.  They also have essential oils, so yesterday I went and bought a couple to try out.  We'll see how they work.

I may need to go out there right now.

My last favorite.  My favorite tree in our yard.  There are more beautiful trees, bigger trees, more colorful trees, but I like ours and right now it is  lovely color.

I love autumn!

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