Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Good is 6+ Inches of Snow...

...when you're sick and can't play in it?  So, while his friends in school are having to make up snow days, we'll  be making up sick days.  That's what I get for being smug I guess.

Poor Elijah has the nastiest cough I think he's ever had.  As you can see (or not) from the photo above, he is just bundling up in the house.  I would feel more sorry for him if he and his daddy weren't going snowboarding in just over a week.  I will be all by my lonesome since my wrist is still in a hard cast. 

While they are gone, I guess I will use the time to do some things around here that need to get done.  I think I will get a jump start on my annual spring cleaning and maybe a few improvements as well.  I also need to record Elijah's grades, for most of the year unfortunately.  Graded, just not recorded, which actually in Oklahoma, I'm not even required to do. 

One last thing, I finally got started back to Crossfit and Zoning.  This time Jeff has as well.  It is a bit harder this time.  It could be 6 months before I can really start using the left arm.  I guess I need too talk to the doctor about that.  Looks like a lot of lower body work.  I wonder how rowing would go?

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