Leaving Las Vegas!
We got in a full day of snowboarding. It always takes a few runs to get your snowboard legs back, but I was pleasantly surprised that after those first few runs that my legs were not ready to give out. They were tired, but not dead. I love my new snowboard! It's pretty. I sound like such a girl.
See, it is pretty. Yes, I went down that way. No, I didn't hit a tree.
That evening we watched the Superbowl up at the lodge. I didn't really care who won, but was pulling a little more for the Saints. I always root for the underdog. It was pretty cool that they won, especially since no one thought they could.
One thing that happened while we were there, that was completely unexpected, was a surprise from Jeff. He bought me a beautiful ring. Now, it's not that he doesn't like to buy me nice things for special occasions, but they are generally practical things, which really is okay with me. To say I was flabbergasted would be an understatement. He's so sweet and cute, and well, I'll stop there.
Told you he's cute!
Monday we were treated to about 7 inches of snow. Nice new powder! Last time we went we got about 12 inches of snow. That was much more difficult to navigate. Especially since I snowboard pretty much heel side and move more snow than the snowcats. 7 was just about perfect. We had a blast! That night at dinner we met a couple from Mustang, small world again. They had brought their two little boys to learn to ski. They were very cute and very ready to go to the top the next day. Hope they got to.
On the Lift
We got home yesterday in time to pick Elijah up from school, then my basketball coach called, "Can you play tonight?" So I did. That's when my legs finally felt ready to die!
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