Thursday brought us another 4 inches of snow! I don't really mind the snow too much, the ice underneath can be a little troublesome however. This is why I stayed home Friday. That, and we were expecting dinner guests. Yes, in this mess of winter weather, we had invited people to come to our house, through snow and ice and in the dark. We had actually invited them earlier in the week while the weathermen were still back and forth on how bad it might get. Fortunately, they were wrong and it didn't get nearly as bad as they thought it would, at least for our area.
It can be very pretty, when it's not breaking the trees!
They made it for dinner, with not a lot of trouble, just a little stuck. (Although they may tell you different. I would if I were the one stuck!) We had a great evening. The conversation was fun and lively, dinner was excellent (if I do say so myself, once again, they may disagree). I tried some new recipes and I think they turned out well enough to keep them in the recipe folder. We had gingerbread for dessert, a nice winter dessert, I think. We visited until around 11 p.m. and they headed back to their warm house.They made it home safely.
Maybe they just needed some snow tires!
Saturday was church as usual. More great lessons there. We talked afterwards as we normally do, then headed out for dinner before coming home. We spent the rest of the evening just relaxing.
Sunday was just a great day to do what we had planned for the past few weeks. I think it turned out really well. We also did some things not so planned. We got Elijah's snowboard out and let him play on it for a little while. Now here in Oklahoma, you need a little help with gravity in order to get going, but he had a great time. later we played Farkle and Yahtzee. We even got Tabitha to play a few games with us. It's not always easy to get your 18 year-old sister to play games with you when you're only 7. We had a lot of fun though. The evening ended with a light meal and then bed, AAAHHH! All-in-all it was a great time!
With a little push from Dad, he's off!
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