Saturday, April 10, 2010

Back at IT!

After a few weeks of a break, we are back at it.  What exactly is it"?  Our everyday, run-of-the-mill life.  School has started back after a week and a half off for spring break.  Tabitha started her final 37 days of school on Thursday.  That is actual school days, I asked.  We have decided to finish the year out with Elijah at home.  Just too many issues with his behavior and they were starting to come home with him.  Not that he by any means a calm and perfectly well-behaved child (he is a 7 year-old boy), but there are just some behaviors that he was picking up at school and we weren't able to get the point across that they were not going to be tolerated until we took the steps to keep him at home.  We are happy to say that we already see a great deal of improvement.  I thought I might miss the "me" time I had, but I really don't.  I kinda missed not having the kids at home this year.  I'm not sure what next school year will bring, but it will surely be easier.

You can't read on the trampoline at "regular" school!

Look what we found!

The playground, freshly mowed.

This next week I will get the garden planted.  I'm glad I didn't get it in last week.  We had a hailstorm come through.  Not big hail, but a lot of it.  The plants would have been small still, so they would have taken quite a beating.  Of course in Oklahoma, that is a threat all spring and summer long.  I have decided to only plant about half of my normal garden.  I'll turn the rest over to the ducks.  They should keep the weeds down, as well as provide some fertilizer.  They are laying pretty regularly now, about 15 eggs a day.  If I get out there before the crows I get all of them, if not they get away with some.  Some days they'll take off with 5-8 eggs.  Black demons, as Jeff calls them.  They chickens are laying well also, about 2 dozen a day.

We'll only garden about half of this for this year.  There's my cart!

One thing I will not be doing this spring, running.  I went for a short run last week and my back is still acting up.  Not only would running 6+ miles not be good for it, as I type this, I wonder how gardening is going to work out.  At least I don't have to till. That is the one thing Jeff does, the rest is up to me.  I guess I may have to use my handy cart/seat this year for more than just a cart.

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