Well, I got the table clean! Actually, I got quite a bit done today. I swept and mopped, did laundry, dusted, cooked lunch and dinner in the morning (it's getting too hot to even grill so I just did enough for two meals while it was still cool), and helped Jeff with some cabinet work. I did more than that but it escapes me. I must have overworked my brain.
Now I just need to refinish it!
It was a good thing I got that all done yesterday. My sister stopped by last night on her way to Stillwater to pick up my niece from soccer camp. This kid is a camping machine. She goes to at least three camps a summer. This year another was added because she made cheerleader. She decided cheer leading camp was quite boring though. She did make All-American while she was there. I guess since she is only in 7th grade, it is pretty impressive.
Tabitha and Erika
We got our little pool up and running. As long as he is a good kid, Elijah has free reign of the pool. He's only 7, but I'm not worried about him just getting in it. It's not very deep and it's an EZ Set pool, so it has soft sides. My biggest concern is not him getting hurt, but that he leans over it and all the water comes gushing out!
He is practising snorkeling for Tobago!
Tabitha is having a busy summer so far. She is working for our church on the landscaping crew. She's a trooper. It has been hot ever since she started and it will only get worse. It is just June after all. She's brown as a berry, at least that is what my granny would have said. It's a great farmer tan she has going. She will work as a camp worker in about 2 weeks. She will still be on landscaping, but she will get to wear a blue shirt. I guess you just have to know what that means. Her friend Jessica is coming from Florida to work also. She is very excited about Jessica coming! After camp is over, we have about a week to make sure that she is ready for college. On top of all of that, she will be getting braces. My mom decided that is what she wanted to give her for graduation. What fun!
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