Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Is it possible to have both a productive and an unproductive day?  I think I just did. 

On the unproductive side:  My kitchen is a mess and I really need to vacuum the whole house and probably steam clean the front hall carpet. (Never put in carpet that is almost white, especially in Oklahoma!)  I can't see my dining room table right now for all the junk mail.  Don't look for pictures of that on here!  It is partly due to sitting in the car dealership for 2 1/2 hours while my car was worked on.  Thankfully the car is still under warranty, but what a time stealer that is!  And the belt still squeaks, "It's in good condition, just really dusty."  Whatever!

On the productive side:  I helped Jeff in the door shop (another time stealer, but one I don't mind too much).  Then I made some pineapple-habanero salsa.  Don't know how it tastes, but Jeff says it's good.  As long as he likes it, I guess.  I took Elijah to the library and we had lunch at Spicy Pickle before we headed off to the dealership.  Bought chicken feed and then we picked Tabitha up from work.  When we got home, I looked at the mess and decided to at least get the dished loaded into the washer. (The mess is also partly due to the fact that I hate to clean because it is a thankless job that no one seems to appreciate.)  Then I made some almond milk kefir.  I have never made this variety before, so I guess we'll see how it turns out tomorrow.  I guess we'll also se if the house gets cleaned! 

Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot!

We'll see?

So much done with nothing much accomplished, UGH!

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